Monday, November 24, 2008
College Basketball Season is Underway......
More Award Winning Footage of the WB2B Crew
* Did anyone else notice that this was the shortest post ever on the BB5? There's a new Editor in town and he's got site traffic on his mind! Apparently the kids these days want shorter posts and more sex. Stay tuned for the Paris Hilton sex video and illicit shots of the new cast of 90210.
Monday, November 3, 2008
The face of a child can say it all, especially the mouth part of the face.
Enough of the idle chitchat, let's get on to the real poop you've come to the blog to sink your teeth into...... I present to you, the winners of the annual SMJLN Halloween tomfoolery awards:
Best Individual Costume: Land Shark (Jay C). Wow, the Siz came through. Jay normally relies on his costumeress, Lindy, to slave away for weeks to produce him an amazing costume, but this time, he was on his own. Miraculously, he STEPPED UP with his Land Shark costume, not only exceeding his better half, but blowing away the competition. Amazing precision and attention to detail that would've made even the head costume prop guy at SNL proud.
Best Team Costume: The Ambiguously Gay Duo (Aaron & Shawn). If I didn't know these guys were straight, I would swear that they were gay. Actually, this has made me question everything. Their costumes (and photo poses) were just way TOO convincing. And the detail was amazing. Especially the gay acting part.
Best Tina Fey Costume: Sarah Palin (Nerina) Ok, we all knew that SOMEONE was going to dress as Palin, but few could pull it off like the Bean. H-O-T-T!
Best Enactment of Costume - Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer (Kevin) hitting his head on the ledge and having to go to the Emergency Room (this actually happened). Totally prehistoric! Kevikev, how are those 3 stitches settling in?!
Most Repeated Costume (3): Mary Katherine Gallagher (Miriam, Laura, Isabel). You're all Superstars. Tied for second: Linda Richman and Mr. Bill (2).
Scariest Costume: Mr. Bill (MCA). I normally wouldn't give myself an award and this is certainly not one to be proud of.....I went against my 'never wear facepaint award' and it backfired. I looked like a clown on crack (or at least in need of some).
Best Costume Devotion Ever: Tony Soria (Jeff). Ok, Tony is not technically a SNL character, but anyone who shaves the top of their head bald deserves the highest acheivement and respect from me. Good show, Jeff, good show. Jeff and his wife also pulled off an excellent Ed Grimley/devil combo (complete with photo of Pat Sajak).
There were several other fantastic SNL costumes, from Matt Foley (the man from the van DOWN BY THE RIVER to Jeopardy's Sean Connery to Toonces the Driving Cat to Linda Richman to the Coneheads to the Gap Girl and the obligatory Dick-in-the-Box. Pure classicisma. See more of the ridiculousness here.
A few of the standout "Deep Thoughts" from the evening:
- I often wonder what the high point of my life is going to be and then I think about the time I shaved my head like a balding, middle-aged man for a stupid Halloween potluck at work and I start to realize that my life may never have a high point. JP
- If a tree falls in the woods and no one is around to hear it…..does Michael Andrews still suck? SA
- Sometimes you want to write something really funny and then you pick up the pen, start writing and you’re like, “man, this quote really sucks.” And then you stab someone.
Stay tuned for video (we recorded some skits in a makeshift Studio 8H). Also, stay tuned for a Veterans Day Blowout - I have a few cases of beer to get rid of!!!!!